Thursday, August 23, 2007

The 1st Day

Wednesday 8/22/07! The was the day that will forever go down in history as the day that my little baby went to her first day of Kindergarten. It was so fun to watch her walk down the sidewalk so full of excitement and anticipation. We then got to the front door of the school and Mommy asked if she would like us to walk her to her classroom. It about broke my heart to have her say "nope." I couldn't just let her go on that first day so I said we would walk her down the hall. When we got to her classroom she gave her Mom, sister and I hugs and said good-bye. She then confidently opened the door and embarked on her life journey!

I'm not ready to let this one go yet! However, i don't know if I have much of a choice!!!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's that time...

I can't believe that it is that time already (and wow that is an old photo!!!!). My little baby starts her first day of Kindergarten tomorrow. She will be 6 years old in a month. It just seems like the other day that she was new to our lives. We got to go over to the school early this afternoon and see the classroom, meet the teacher and drop off her school supplies. She was so excited to talk to her teacher. She walked around the room and found her name in many places. She found her coat hanger, her mail box, her table, her spot on the floor for story time, and her spot on the floor for rest time. Amazingly her name was about a half dozen other places in the room. Kindergarten teachers are amazing people!!
I'll try to post more about day #1 with some photos of the big girl in action!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I could be on Law and Order

I was looking at the blog of my little "sister" today and wondered who I looked like too. I logged on to and got started. I was severely limited in the choices of photos to use since I was on my laptop computer and heaven forbid I would just get up and walk to the office to use the computer with all of the family pictures in it. Anyway here are the people that the program most closely matched me with. I'm rather excited to think that my closest match is from a TV show that is actually current and one that I watch. Other matches are pretty exciting as well...I mean come on I look like Laurence Fishburne!!!

I then decided to see what other photos I had and came across Lexi's preschool photo from the fall of 2005. She looks so much different than this now, but you use what you can. I really wanted to put a morph feature that they have in here, but I couldn't get it to show me the html so I could transfer it over. I guess that is something for me to work on:) Anyway, I was shocked by how closely she resembles Dakota Fanning's photo in the collage below. When doing the morph feature with Lexi and Dakota's photos the eyes and checks never really move. Just to remind you, Dakota Fanning played Sally in the recent movie version of the The Cat in the Hat (I had to look that up).

We were also playing with this a little later and on the other computer. Jenn looks like Kirsten Dunst and one of Brea's looks likes is Pierce Brosnan. Remember she is just 1 year old!

Anyways it was fun to play with and I'm sure it will bring us many more moments of laughter. I'll have to put my Mom's picture in and see what I come up with!!! HA!
Thank you Marisa for a night of fun and enjoyment.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Tennis is a sport that I enjoy playing. I wish I were better at it, but I feel that way about most of the sports that I try to play. I would like to play more and again I feel that way about most of the sports that I try to play. But what goes along with being a sports junkie is watching just about any sport that is on TV. This brings me back to tennis. This past weekend was the Wimbledon Men's final. After the match was complete and Roger Federer won for the 5th time in a row a commercial aired from Nike. You can watch that commercial here.
My 5 year old daughter Lexi picked up on one line in the commercial. Tiger Woods is narrating and he states that Federer started playing tennis when he was six years old. She looked at me and said, "I'm going to learn to play tennis when I turn six." So of course now we know what Daddy is getting his daughter for her birthday this fall...
But what was even funnier was that after the trophy presentation they show Federer kissing the trophy which is basically a large cup as you can see below. Lexi turns to me and states that since she will start playing tennis when she is six. This means she will win a cup too. After she kisses the cup and brings it home. She will set it on the counter and use it for silverware. Are kids not wonderful!

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Scoop on Poop

I know isn't that just funny to say!! I was reminded of this reading one of my favorite blogs (The Ward-O-Matic). It's not that I know Ward from Adam, but he is just very creative, has children approximately the same age as mine and it is very interesting to see what his family is drawing (they are amazing artists)! Anyway...Ward was mentioning in a post a few days ago that his daughter is very into the word poop and all of its derivatives.
This reminded me that we recently went on a trip to the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines. They currently have an exhibit entitled "The Scoop on Poop." It was actually rather interesting. They had displays on how animals use their poo for a variety of different purposes depending on where they live and who they are. Here are some photos from The Scoop!

OK, I apologize as I thought we had more photos from that exhibit. But in retrospect it was more just the giggles that came from Lexi when we were talking about animals using their poo for some very odd reasons. But there were many other things to see at the zoo. Personally this was one of the first times that I've been to the zoo since Brea has gotten a little older. She was very observant and even pointed out a few animals that I hadn't noticed or hadn't started to look for. As you can see below when she wanted to look at an animal she made her point. Some of her favorites were the large cats. She liked to watch them walk around. The tiger even came up to the viewing window and appeared to look at us. She was in heaven! Thank goodness for the thick glass or the tiger would have been in heaven too!

I recommend getting out and supporting your local zoo. These are wonderful places that our children (or the children inside of us) can experience amazing things like 90 year old tortoises trying to mate! That is another story for another day. Or if you need to hear it now, you can read about it on Jenn's blog.


Sunday, July 01, 2007


Wow! It has been since September 2006 that I last put a post out here. I just figured it was a good time to try and get started again. I will eventually try to get updated on my family and my life. In November 2006 I switched jobs. I am now a project manager at a company called ASI-Modulex. We do architectural signage. We have a network of affiliates all over the US and we are also affiliated with a company in Denmark that is part of the same family of companies as Lego.
I also have two "sisters" that are now doing Blogs. Megan and Marisa are my sisters from my adopted family from college. While at Wayne State College I had the absolute joy of being adopted by the Rose family. Jenn and I spent many a Friday night eating supper and hanging out with them. I eventually worked for Papa Rose (Dan). I have added links along the edge to Megan and Marissa's blogs. Good luck to both of you in your upcoming endeavors.
Well, don't want to over do it on my first time back:)