I was looking at the blog of my little "
sister" today and wondered who I looked like too. I logged on to
www.myheritage.com and got started. I was severely limited in the choices of photos to use since I was on my laptop computer and heaven forbid I would just get up and walk to the office to use the computer with all of the family pictures in it. Anyway here are the people that the program most closely matched me with. I'm rather excited to think that my closest match is from a TV show that is actually current and one that I watch. Other matches are pretty exciting as well...I mean come on I look like Laurence Fishburne!!!

I then decided to see what other photos I had and came across Lexi's preschool photo from the fall of 2005. She looks so much different than this now, but you use what you can. I really wanted to put a morph feature that they have in here, but I couldn't get it to show me the html so I could transfer it over. I guess that is something for me to work on:) Anyway, I was shocked by how closely she resembles Dakota Fanning's photo in the collage below. When doing the morph feature with Lexi and Dakota's photos the eyes and checks never really move. Just to remind you, Dakota Fanning played Sally in the recent movie version of the The Cat in the Hat (I had to look that up).

We were also playing with this a little later and on the other computer. Jenn looks like Kirsten Dunst and one of Brea's looks likes is Pierce Brosnan. Remember she is just 1 year old!
Anyways it was fun to play with and I'm sure it will bring us many more moments of laughter. I'll have to put my Mom's picture in and see what I come up with!!! HA!
Thank you Marisa for a night of fun and enjoyment.