Thursday, July 03, 2008

Day 1

Well I have begun my new life in a new career. I spent most of today just kind of hanging around the office at AO (which is what I will call my new employer). I read some of the employee handbook and looked through some of the training presentations that I will have to "master" of the next few weeks. But the best part of the day was getting to interact with three of my new co-workers on a day when things were relatively slow. This allowed me to get to know Amy, Tony and Sherry a little bit better. I have already had pretty good talks with Kassie while I was an "applicant". I feel that this will make for a very nice transition into next week when Catherine (another new addition to AO) starts on Monday. Catherine and I will go through most, if not all, of our training together. It will be nice to have someone to share ideas with, but it will also be kind of a nice benchmark to have since we'll both be growing in the staffing/recruiting field together.
As Jenn stated so wonderfully on her blog today, I thank everyone for everything. Mom and Dad your love, support and frequent phone calls just saying to keep my chin up have meant tons! To everyone that has said everything happens for a reason, I really do believe you...however I'm still waiting for God to reveal all of the specifics to me. In his own time I know! Finally to my wife and girls...Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your unconditional love is almost more than I deserve and warms my heart every time that I see you, hug you and "nuggle on couch" with you.
I look forward to sharing more as my adventures unfold. As for now, day 1 of a new adventure (and commuting) is down.


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